Pernambuco is one of the many Brazilian states located in the northeast region. It was one of the first areas occupied by the Portuguese conquerors. Those who visit the cities of Pernambuco, specially the capital, Recife, and Olinda, a national patrimony, perceive it as a historical landmark.
There are monuments, parks, old houses, churches, forts, bridges and theaters.
Pernambuco is involved in songs, dances and folk arts that reflect its rich cultural formation. “Caboclinhos”, “Maracatus” e “Passistas” parade in the Carnaval, in June the “Junine” festivities take over the cities, on Christmas, the “Pastoris” celebrate the birth of Jesus.
The strength of its culture, allied with its natural beauty, make Pernambuco one of the main centers of touristic attractions in Brazil, having colors, sounds, rhythms, popular manifestations and happiness all year long.
The result can be seen in the growth of touristic flow by 14.7% in the year 2000, a growth superior to the international average, wich was at the rate of around 4.5%.International tourism increased 12% in 2000.
Pernambuco also features some of the most beautiful and paradisiacal beaches in South America.